Start Something
I have been following Maj Toure and the Solutionary Center for a while. I didn’t really get it until recently. I mean, I understand constitutionalism and second amendment responsibilities, but not what he is really teaching We, the People: responsibility and freedom.
A person who does not understand how to hold a weapon, cannot use a weapon. A person who does not use their weapon, will not respect it. This is the basic underpinning of freedom. Freedom is admired, sought after, and feared. Something that is feared will always come under attack and it is the freedman’s responsibility to protect it from attack.
The second big lesson I was missing was to start something. I thought ownership was enough. I don’t take jobs that don’t provide equity because ownership is the fastest way out of economic poverty. What is the fastest way out of spiritual, social, and political poverty? Just because you own something, does not make you rich in these areas. We see this lesson in Vivek Ramaswamy’s story: he owned and controlled a business but was still a political prisoner while he held onto that control. He had to choose between control over the corporation or control over his social, political, and spiritual life. He chose the latter.
During a time when DEI, ESG, CEI, etc… are all pushing us to fall in line with their ideals, it has become more important than ever to start and maintain your own grind whatever that may be. I have been asked throughout the years to start my own training and advice service - just to get into a building somewhere and educate the people. I have not because, I thought I could never make any kind of an impact. I was wrong.
We all can make an impact. It is Strong Dad June. It is time for the strongest of us to stand firm, stand in our values, and stand on business. I am in contact with a facility. I hope to do my part to educate the people and empower them politically. However, there is no need to wait. I am going to attend every event I can and push the strength that we need in the coming years, the strength with which I have been blessed. If those who have it don’t spread it, those without it will never receive it. That is the work. That is the duty.
Liberty is Hard
It is extremely difficult to be your own person; your own family; your own community. Extremely difficult. This is why we have a lot of arguments around what small government is, what constitutional conservatism is, and what balance to strike between liberty and safety.
Liberty is a huge Responsibility. If we were to live under completely totalitarian rule, we would have everything determined and provided that we could have. We would have no choices and no responsibilities; all would be provided and determined by those who did the choosing. this of course would not work because, different people are different, it would be impossible to find happiness (or even pursue it) under such a regime.
If we were to live under complete freedom there would be a lack of protection for society’s most vulnerable and marginalized: elderly, infirm, mentally incapacitated. Without some set of rules, one evil person could harm others freely and it would be up to those others to protect themselves individually. Clearly, we need some kind of medium between extremes.
Our founders understood liberty and the balance a people can strike with their government to maintain both liberty and safety. The government would be of for and by the people. The government would be balanced between duly elected parts. The government would be given powers only that the people said it would be given and no other powers. the government would exist to secure the people’s rights as provided by Nature and Nature’s God. The government did not give rights to the people; it simply secured them. Simple.
This method of governance requires a great deal of personal responsibility and comes along with a great deal of liberty. In effect, we can do as we please as long as another is unharmed in so doing. If another is harmed in our doing, the people’s government redresses the situation. Simple.
Of course, there are people who would rather not take responsibility: People who are strong, healthy, and of sound mind who do not take responsibility for themselves, their own families, and their own communities. The universal basic income, ultra-high minimum wage, anti-capitalist bunch. rather than relentlessly dedicating themselves to personal betterment, they would (at the expense of their own liberties) have the government control everything, take from those who have, and redistribute to those who have not. This is what “tax the wealthy” means: the government ought to steal from workers and give it to the lazy. This, of course, only works absent a certain amount of liberty. Our property rights must be tossed aside to provide for those who would rather not earn things.
Absent liberty, responsibility disappears. It is hard to maintain a culture of liberation; destitution is always but one generation away.
Free Speech
Several Anti-Anti-Semitism bills have been passed in various States throughout the Nation - Texas included. These bills fail under the strict scrutiny of my Constitutional Conservativism.
I am not an Anti-Semite. I do; however, believe in freedom of speech and share President Jefferson’s belief “that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions.” A bill criminalizing an action in support of a victim’s Civil Rights and Liberties is a bill I would welcome. A bill that goes past the action and gives the Government authority to ascertain a person’s thoughts, feelings, and opinions to further punish that perpetrator is unwelcome. That is exactly what these kinds of bills do.
This is not a new position of mine. I have always regarded “hate crime” bills as unlawful. A Court cannot reasonably, according to law, determine the “hate crime” portion of an offense. Murder and assault are crimes; hate is not. Why not just severely punish murder and assault in all cases irrespective of a person’s thought and feeling? Are police now operating under guidance to ascertain “hate”? Are prosecutors now endowed with the ability to read the minds of the accused? Should Judges be able to enhance sentencing on the basis of “hate” be that “hate” perceived or actual? This is not a line of reason we should embark.
We should be criminalizing conduct. In recent days, there were barricades (both human and inanimate) erected across shared thoroughfares; this was a crime irrespective of whether they were disallowing Jewish students passage or any other group. There were also assaults. The assailants’ perceived or actual hatred does not determine whether this is a crime or the severity thereof; surely, assault is criminal no matter what the circumstances. The thoughts and feelings behind the crimes are irrelevant to the arrests, prosecutions, and judgments thereof.
As Constitutional Conservatives, we should be holding the line at our manual - the US Constitution - and pressing the issues no further than that. Greg Abbott along with the Republican members of the Texas legislature must do some serious reflection upon this kind of bill and what it means to sit in those chairs. We put you there to hold the line for us.
We must charge into the battle, behind Lady Liberty, in support for and defense of the Constitution. One cannot be both Israel First and America First. One cannot be Black First and America First. One cannot be Palestine First and America First. It’s America First all day long. Hold the line.