Constitutional Conservativism

This is the most important pillar upon which I stand. Each further principle is wrought of the iron forged by our predecessors from the 1490’s, to 1776, to 1865, and onward. I am a pure-blooded American and defend her ideals as though I wrote them; for, they are the ideals which have allowed me to move from my humble beginnings as the son of two working-class Americans into the position of privilege I and my children live under today. I was born a victor.

The text of the US Constitution is clear. The text of the documents leading up to this Constitution is also clear. Individual liberties are just as important as - if not more important than - collectivist doctrine. Our Constitution binds the hands of Government so that We, the People, may reign over ourselves.

The 1st Amendment gives us the ability to speak out against our Government, should it become tyrannical, and the 2nd Amendment backs up the 1st. The 9th Amendment protects our unenumerated Rights, and the other 7 Amendments that comprise the Bill of Rights further limit the government’s ability to usurp the People’s freedoms.

What the Democrats have failed to remember is that the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and other founding documents mean nothing until it comes time to defend someone you dislike. Our freedom of speech and expression means nothing if everyone thinks the same way. Our freedom of religion means nothing if we all hold the same religion or all fail to hold any at all. Our property Rights, as protected by the 4th Amendment, mean nothing if we own nothing. Our personal Rights, as protected by the 3rd, 5th, and 8th Amendments, mean nothing without the 2nd. The 9th and 10th Amendments are rendered without force if we legislate away the other 8. Without the checks and balances (as described by John Witherspoon) set forth in the US Constitution’s 7 Articles, we would live in a dictatorship.

My children have a right to grow up in and inherit an America that allows them to be whomever they choose to be even if different from whom I would choose for each of them. As a parent and fellow Countryman, I must ensure that the rights and liberties I hold dear - which our forefathers held self-evident but which the Democrats hold not - are theirs to carry forward into posterity.