Men Are Not Women

The Chinese have a curse: May you live in interesting times. Indeed, the current era appears to be of the interesting class, and an unpleasant interest at that. Never would I have imagined that there would come a day when American education deteriorated so fully that a simple question like “What is a Woman?” could spark controversy.

Men are not women; this used to be a simple truth. Now, it is a political minefield. Men are not women. Women are not men. Title IX protects my daughter’s right to safely compete for scholarships and sorority house positions… Or… So it did. The Biden Administration’s assault on women and girls seems to know no bound. Tens of thousands of former athletes and coaches are writing letters, brothers and fathers support their family members, society cries out: Biden ignores us.

This is so simple. Let women’s sports be for those who lack a Y chromosome; let men’s sports be for everyone else. there is no need to bring identity politics into this (or anything else for that matter). Identity evidently changes with the wind. One can identify as a boy one day, a woman the next, and a lemon the day thereafter. Our nation is based upon an objective standard of Justice; it is written in our Constitution’s Preamble. The ebbs and flows of a gender-confused minority of people is not, shall not, and cannot be the standard.