The “Black Vote”
There is no such thing as the “black vote”. The Leftists’ attempt to herd us all into a category and try to select words to sway the lot of us at once is a trifle, a lollygag, and an irreverence. I am offended by them and their kind; however, I do not reject them. The only path forward is the path of Thomas Jefferson and Frederick Douglass: the path of discussion, debate, and adult idea sharing.
Undoubtedly, the Democrat machine will attempt to thread the needle between racism, sexism, and myriad other isms, phobias, and other malarkey. They will thereby miss the lesson. The data is the data; and, the numbers are the numbers.
If we look at all the places where blacks are objectively doing the worse on every measure (income, death rate, fetal mortality, mother mortality, education, criminal justice, health, etc...) they all have blue city councils, blue mayors, blue commissioners, blue sheriffs, blue representatives, blue senators, blue everything. The numbers are the numbers; and, they are the same whether a blue or red is in the Presidency. This has been the case for decades. Local government should be our focus and the Democrats have left local control and local politics to the wayside for all of recent memory.
Here, in Texas, 34% of voting black men voted for Trump. There is something to be learned here that the "blue no matter who" people will miss if they continue down the same path they have been marching the last few decades. If the Democrats do not sit down and do some real introspection and a real post mortem regarding this red wave, it will never be rectified. So, rather than cherry picking the bad out of a 4-year-long political career (Trump) maybe Democrats should fix the bad out of a 60-year-long Democratic Party machine that has seen black male outcomes get worse, and worse, and worse.
I wish these discussions could air themselves in public view. We likely have reached a point in Democrat Party mechanics that wouldn’t allow for such conversations. It would appear that no one on the Left is willing to discuss things honestly, openly, and without vilifying their opposition. Everyone has much to learn and everyone has much to teach. Bill Nye is credited with saying, “everyone you will ever meet knows something you do not know.” Let’s all take a step back, bring the temperature down, and listen to one another. Last I checked, we were still a Federation of independent states, let’s be helpful to one another rather than obstructive.